I have configured about 20 Hue dimmer switches on 5 different Hue bridges with the Hue Essentials apps (Android & Windows). Lately I wanted to change some settings and had to find out that some switches are broken.
I say “some” switches because about half of them still look good displaying the settings I configured; the other half show as unconfigured (every button is empty). I can see no pattern - the broken switches are randomly distributed over all bridges and all rooms.
I say “broken” because every time I want to change/add any setting to a switch that is empty the Android app crashes (I cannot use the Windows app at the moment because it doesn’t work at all: Windows app is not working anymore - #5 by Thomas).
Note that I can still see all my switches. I can also configure all of them in the official Hue app. But those that appear unconfigured cannot be changed in Hue Essentials anymore. I also tried resetting one in the official Hue app but the problem in Hue Essentials remains. My last resort would be to disconnect and re-pair them but that would mean I need to reconfigure everything which I would like to avoid.
I assume this is another problem related to the API upgrade. Am I the only one experiencing this problem? Any known fix or workaround yet?
New information: I was able to use the new Windows app again and tried configuring the buttons there. Unfortunately the Windows app shows the same behavior as the Android app described above.
I then deleted one of the broken switches and re-paired it. This did fix the problem and I could start to configure this switch in Hue Essentials again. I might go for this workaround although it is a PITA to reconfigure 10+ switches.
Be aware that there seem to be other issues as well. While reconfiguring switches I repeatedly run into the error shown below. Every time this happened (about every 4-5 times when saving changes) I had to close and re-open the application. The same configuration change then worked.
It would be very helpful to stabilize this. Fixing the problem with the existing switches would be nice, too, although maybe not worth the effort if nobody else complains.
So this is only about the “lost” switches configuration which is, as said, a minor bug imo. Still would like to get a quick response as to why this happens.
Only new info I have is that it is reversed with the information shown in the official Hue app: Some accessories show “Not configured in this app” - those who do work in Hue Essentials. Some accessories do not have this message and these are the ones where Hue Essentials does not show the existing configuration (done with Hue Essentials).
Just wanted to say I’m also experiencing this exact Dave issue whereby the Android app no longer displays automations for some switches although they continue to operate correctly. Hoping for a solution other then the re-pairing and re-entering of automations work around
Workaround until fixed: I re-paired all switches and re-configured them. Important thing to note: Open the official Hue app first and select “Configure in another app”, then proceed in Hue Essentials. This seems to work.
I don’t really feel like this problem is solved but I will close it nonetheless because a) there is an acceptable workaround and b) there are so many other issues with Hue Essentials that require more urgent attention.
In Hue Essentials, go to the Devices tab, select your bridge, go to API debugger, tap Continue
Press the GET button.
Long press on the text, then tap Select all, then tap Copy. This text will contain the complete configuration of your Hue bridge and devices, allowing me to find the cause of the issue. Please include this in your email.
Please also include the name of the switch causing the issue so I can find it back in the configuration.
I am unable to reproduce this issue on my bridges or on a new bridge with newly added switches.
If someone is able to reproduce this on a newly added switch, please let me know how with a screen recording showing all the steps.
So in order to fix this, I really need someones existing configuration to be able to see what is going wrong. Only then I can provide a fix. See my previous comment for details.
I was able to reproduce the issue thanks to @Klue17 who shared their bridge configuration with me. The bug will be fixed in version 4.2.7 which should be available within a few days. If anyone has any issues after this update please let me know.