Set up port forwarding with deCONZ installed through Home Assistant

Hi all

has anyone got “away” function to work with deCONZ vertion 2.07.01 / 8.12.2020 Firmware 26660700 and hue essentials.

I have tried and made a portforwarding on 40850 to the home assistant in my router.

if I type the ip address of the home assistant and end with :40850 it enters the deCONZ
But if I change the ip address to my public ip it will not get into deCONZ

Router portforwarding.
40850 TCP/UDP to
8081 TCP/UDP to
5900 TCP/UDP to

deCONZ Network Configuration
40850/tcp | 40850 | deCONZ API backend (Not required for Ingress)
5900/tcp | 5900 | deCONZ via VNC (Not required for Ingress. Not secure!)
8081/tcp | 8081 | deCONZ WebSocket (Not required for Ingress)

Someone who knows what I’m doing wrong or missing???

Could you enter your publicip:40850/api/config in a web browser and see if you get a response? If you do not get a response, there is probably something wrong with your port forwarding.