Sequence that turns the lights on- one by one

I see it has been asked before, but the replies on previous post did not really help me.
I’ve got 6 Outdoor lamps on my house connected to a switch. Is it possible to programme the switch/bridge so that when I turn on the lights, they turn on one by one in a row, instead of all at once?
I think it would be a really cool effect to my outside lights :slight_smile:

ciao, il modo che ho trovato io in h.e.:

  1. crea delle scene con accesa solo prima luce poi altra scena prima+seconda luce e cosi’via…fino all’ultima scena che deve accenderle tutte ovviamente…

  2. usa il creatore di effetti di h.e. per gestire le scene e farle partire in successione una dopo l’altra, impostando anche l’intervallo di tempo che preferisci…

spero di esserti stato d’aiuto…

dimenticavo: 3) associa al pulsante del tuo telecomando l’effetto creato…

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Thanks for the reply :blush: I will try it out :smiley:

Thanks @fabrizio for answering. Your answer is correct but it is also important to switch on the options “I want to set brightness per frame” and “Toggle light states in frames”.

See also my answer here:

Let me know if have any further questions.