Select light individually

Hi there,

I am brand new onto the Hue lights and I have a question since I cannot use the lights the way I want:

Basically, I have 3 light in a room. I would like, using a Hue Dimmer Switch, to be able to select individually each light and select a different color for each light.

I imagine doing something like this:

  • 1 press on 1st button, select light 1
  • 2 press on 1st button, select light 2
  • 3 press on 1st button, select light 3
  • 1 press on 2nd button, cycle color for active light (depending on what I have chosen with the first button)

But there is no action such has “selecting” or “set active light” action.

How can I work around to achieve my goal ?

Thank you for your suggestions.