Scenes Not Working Via Shortcuts After October 2024 Update

As the title says my app updated last night and despite the scenes still being listed in the app and working when i press on them Siri says the scene doesn’t exist and if I go to create or edit a shortcut none of my scenes are listed. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks!

Hi, apologies for the inconvenience, this seems like a bug. Can you please let me know what type of bridge/lights you are using for this scene?

I’m using 3 Phillips Hue Lights over bluetooth with no bridge.

Thanks, I was able to reproduce the issue and it will be fixed in the next version. The next version will be 4.1.0 which I expect to be available within a week. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. After the update please let me know if you still experience any issues.

Issue is still not fixed

Mine isn’t working either,

It’s fine on android but just picked up a new iPhone and the widgets show a temperature input that doesn’t respond to inputs but no traditional widgets/scenes.