Integration of Eurotronic Spirit ZigBee

Hi development team,

are there any plans to support
Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee heating thermostat?
I already can see it in the app and I can already work with it from deCONZ. This device works pretty good and it’s worth to integrate it.

Thanks in advance,

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Hello Franky, it is on the wish list for future development. Thanks for the idea!

We ordered a Eurotronic thermostat for future development. First, we need to complete the 1.14.0 rollout for Android and 1.8.0 for iOS. After that we will try and add some new devices.

HI Guys is there an Update for us? It would be nice if we can use this

Would be awesome if this could be integrated. Any update on this one?

Its now March 2022 - any progress?