Hue Essentials Sync with Philips Hue Play Gradient Light Tube


I recently purchased Hue Essentials Premium for the syncing possibility’s.

Although it works great with Philips Hue Play gradient light strip 75 inch, it doesn’t seem to fully work with Philips Hue Play gradient light tube.

The Philips Hue Play gradient light tube just syncs 1 color instead of the multiple zones with different colors it should do.

Is this a known issue?

Anyone?! Please? Help would be appreciated.

Hi ! I got same issue. I spend 220 bucks for big hue gradient play tube and now the Hue Sync Programm only gives me 1 color over this big a** tube. Thats a damn joke! It should be at least 3 zones thats why i spent so much for it!?! Im so confused.

Did you found a solution?

Yes I did! It now works great!

I removed the device from the app and readded it. The trick was to choose the right symbol “Hue Play Gradient Tube” and then in the app configure it in the “entertainment room”.

Hey there, thanks for the feedback. In my case readding the light didnt fixed it but I had to completely reinstall hue sync app and re setup and then it worked. Figured it yesterday finally <3