Dimming with Tap Dial not possible

Hello all,

I’ll try to be brief and have to follow up on Stibo’s problem, which he wrote on 22/12/2022 and has not received any help so far.

I have the problem that I can not fully configure the Tap Dial switch via the hue Essentials APP.

As soon as it goes to the dimming function, which is controlled by turning the wheel, the settings are not saved.

Of course I have confirmed everything with save, yet the settings are not transferred to the Brige.

Also, I wanted to set the dimming function so that only the lights are dimmed, which are in “ON” state.
Unfortunately, this option does not exist and it would be desirable if someone could take care of this function.


I’m also having trouble using and configuring the dial. One of my tap dials won’t save the setting to the dimmer wheel and neither is consistently actually dimming. One will increase brightness, but won’t decrease. Results might be inconsistent and will require more testing. Whatever the case, it’s frustrating.

Was the configuration carried out directly in the hue app or via the somewhat extensive hue essentials app? If it is the latter, it may be that the bridge simply doesn’t understand it and therefore doesn’t save the settings. Regarding the delay, the wifi may be a problem.