Bugreport configuring Motion Sensor

I cannot configure the Motion Sensor. If I change times or set conditions, all configuration for this sensor gets lost. The app freezes and crashes. After that saying, that the configuration has to be resetted for this sensor.

I now have to use HueLabs instead.

There is going to be a huge motion sensor update coming in the next few days. Release 1.9.3 has many fixes and additional stuff for the motion sensor (Android). Release 1.3.3 on iOS will take some more time as it is going to be pending Apple review which has a major delay at the moment.

Hi, could you try out the latest version of Hue Essentials and let me know if that resolves your issue?

I am trying to configure a Hue dimmer switch using the “suspend motion” command. Every time I try and add it, I get the error “Your motion sensor has an unsupported configuration”. I have factory reset both the motion sensor and switch. I have attempted to add the switch and sensor via the Hue Essentials app, the Hue app and HomeKit (resetting both devices before doing so each time). I am new to the app; am I doing something wrong?

iOS 13.5
iPad and iPhone
All apps up to date
Devices firmware up to date

Have you set up the motion sensor in Hue Essentials (using the wizard) before adding the Suspend motion sensor action to your dimmer switch? This action will cancel the motion sensor actions, so the motion sensor needs to be configured first.

Also in case you haven’t noticed already, the Suspend motion sensor action has been renamed to Cancel motion sensor actions in the latest version to make it more clear what the action does.

I am having the same problem as Peter.
The app does not freeze, but with the motion sensor already configured, whenever I pick the motion in an automation that has to cancel its actions, then I get the “your motion sensor has an unsupported configuration” message in red (the drop-down list box also becomes red). I have already tried to reset the motion sensor from the wizard and then run the wizard again to configure it, and wizard reset + manual configuration, but no matter what I try, it always gives me the same error message when I try to configure the automation.

The versions are the latest at the moment I’m writing this:
Hue bridge 2 with fw v.1955082050
Motion sensor with fw v.
Android app v.1.32.1

Motion sensor current configuration after wizard reset:
When this happens: Device state - Motion
Under the conditions:
A - Group on state + Only if the lights are off
B - Time (08:00 - 23:00 Every day)
Actions: Activate scene (Bright + no toggle + no fade)
When this happens: Device state - Motion
Under the conditions:
A - Group on state + Only if the lights are off
B - Time (23:00 - 08:00 Every day)
A - Activate scene (Night light + no toggle + no fade)
B - Wait 2 minutes
C - Toggle group - switch off (no fade)
There is no configuration for “no motion detected”
Configurations are not linked.

With the motion sensor placed next to the bedroom’s door, the goal is that, as long as the lights in a room are off, to turn them on:
From 8am to 11pm with the “bright” scene.
From 11pm to 8am with the “night light” scene (switching them off after 2 min.). This is when one wants to go to the bathroom, but if during these 2 minutes someone uses a smart switch (or uses the app) to turn on the lights, then I want to cancel the sensor’s actions. However, the action I am trying to create for achieving this cannot be completed.

Thank you for your support.