Bug in iOS: Can't save automation on dimmer switch

When trying to add and save an automation to my dimmer switch “on” button, there is a “loading” icon rotating in the corner. After a couple of minutes the app crashes.

Tried to reproduce this on the Windows app, I can save a single action to the switch button, but when trying to add “wait” time I have to purchase a license (which I already have for iOS). The single action saves and works properly though.

Bridge, lights and app are all up to date.

Well, I managed to get it to work. First tried the “Reset” and “Manage in other app” buttons in the official Hue app. Didn’t work.
Then removed the switch from official Hue app and then reset the switch using a paperclip. Added it to official Hue again and pressed the “Manage in other app” button. After that I could setup automations in Hue Essentials.

Had the same problem. All saved automations on all ny switches disappeared.
I removed them from official Hue app, added the switches through Hue Essentials and then it worked.

I am have exactly the same problem on my iPad. No matter what I try I can’t see all of my automations showing up on my iPad. If I use my Android phone everything is exactly as it should be, all automations showing up. The physical switches are all working okay. Strangely some switches on the iPad do show their automations others don’t. I’m on iPad OS version 17.6.1
By the way when I re add a switch on the iPad it’s not saving any automation I add, but it does on Android phone (Google Pixel 7).
I know that in the past it worked fine on the iPad.

I’m also experiencing issues with automations. None of the configured automations are in the app, but they still work in the real world.

Secondly I can’t configure new automations for a dimmer switch I’m trying to configure.

Please follow Crash when configuring switch - #9 by Thomas for updates on this issue. If anyone can provide the information in the linked post that would be helpful.