Hi there !
Do you know if there’s a possibility to activate a sync from the app ? (In programming).
I have a box from Philips (Philips Hue Play HDMI Sync Box).
I looked everywhere, and a priori not.
Maybe you have a trick, or a roundabout way ?
I managed to deactivate the sync with the functions offered on the programming of a V2 dimmer switch, or a smart button.
I would like to be able to do the opposite.
As you may know, it’s necessary to deactivate the synchronization of the lamps, before being able to control them manually (Switch dimmer, or smart button).
When I’m in this situation, I use a button shortcut that I made with the Philips app (Hue Sync), but it’s a shortcut through an infrared remote control.
I would like to stop doing like that, and go through my smart button.
Thank you in advance for your help / participation
Good day to all !