Cannot connect to Philips Hue hub when VPN is on

I have permanently VPN connection on in my iPhone. I can’t see the sensor temperatures in widget, however when I turn the VPN connection off it works fine. Is there any workaround or patch?

Hue Essentials requires a connection to your bridge to show the temperatures. This is done over your local Wi-Fi network. A VPN makes a local connection impossible.

A workaround is to enable Away from Home in Hue Essentials. You can find this under devices, select your bridge, tap Away from Home, and sign in with your Philips Hue account. This will enable the possibility for Hue Essentials to retrieve the temperatures via the Philips Hue remote servers. That should still work when using a VPN, but it will be a bit slower. The Hue Essentials app itself will be limited when using Away from Home.

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Thanks for your prompt reply. You are a star!